arivis Cloud Release Notes | May 2019

Release Notes

Welcome to arivis Cloud's May 2019 release notes. During the last weeks we worked hard to improve your digital image processing experience on the ariviplatform. The key features of this release will make your work more productive and will help you to foster the collaboration with others:

  • Share your Workflow Results
  • Stop running Workflows
  • Download Logfiles of your Workflows

Share your Workflow Results

Ever wondered how to send very large images to your colleagues? While smaller images can be shared via e-mail or USB stick, it’s sometimes quite a challenge with bigger images. For e.g. microscopy images can easily exceed several gigabytes of storage. Therefore, we developed an option to share your results.

Share your results on arivis Cloud via mail or tweet

The new sharing option is not only available for single files and images but also for your whole workflow result. This enables your colleagues or customers to directly access it whenever they want, without the need to log in. To do so, just go to the workflow result you want to share and click on the “Share” icon below the “Re-run” button. The generated unique link can then be sent via e-mail or posted on Twitter.

Shared arivis Cloud Workflow Result

Stop running Workflows

Time is money. Under this slogan we developed a feature that lets you stop running workflows. Why? We got the valuable feedback that until now it was not possible to modify your workflow while an instance of it is running. Imagine the following situation: You have built a complex workflow and it will need several minutes to finish. Whenever you forgot to change a parameter while starting the workflow, you had to wait until it’s done.

Running arivis Cloud Workflow

Due to the latest release, you don’t have to wait anymore. Just go to your workflow overview and click on the banner with the running workflows. Choose the active workflow you want to stop and cancel it by clicking on the icon on the right.

easily cancel running workflows on arivis Cloud

Download Logfiles of your Workflow

Long logfiles can be quite messy, right? That’s why we want to support your debugging experience with more features. Our “View Log” dialogue now let’s you directly download the logfile of your workflow result as a text file. No more unnecessary copy and paste actions required!

arivis Cloud Workflow Logfile

You like how arivis Cloud is evolving and want to stay tuned in microscopy image processing topics? Then follow us on Twitter. If you need help to find the right module for your image processing task? Then don’t hesitate to contact us Also check out our YouTube channel for insights into the arivis Cloud platform and “how to use” tutorials.

Thomas Irmer

Software Developer

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