Meet arivis Cloud Around the World and Get a Demo


Life Sciences Baltics: Live Demo of machine learning image processing

September 26th & September 27th, Vilnius

Come and meet us at ZEISS booth #5.23 at LS Baltics conference to have an introduction to the initial release of arivis Cloud.

At the booth we will demonstrate different image processing workflows including automated cell counting on a live Celldiscoverer 7 microscope. Other workflows that leverage latest algorithms in machine learning will also be demonstrated.

arivis Cloud Hackathon during the Scion Autumn Event 2018

October 26th – October 28th, Karlsruhe – machine learning for cancer research

arivis Cloud Developers, together with Microsoft and HS Analysis offer the unique opportunity to train neural networks. There will be two real life examples taken from cancer research that involve training neural networks.

Sign up here (German site)

arivis Cloud at the Society for Neuroscience Meeting in San Diego

November 4th – November 7th, San Diego – our machine learning algorithm at the world’s biggest life science event

arivis Cloud at the EMBL: From Image to Knowledge with ImageJ & Friends

December 6th – December 8th, Heidelberg

Muriel Skusa

External Communications

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